Digital Hub | AE Talks

30 & 31 October 2024

NEC, Birmingham

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30 & 31 Oct 2024 | NEC Birmingham

Digital Hub

Welcome to the Digital Hub – the home of AE Talks and all on-demand content. 

Advanced Engineering launched AE Talks back in 2020 – a series of online events with industry-leading speakers covering the key topics in the manufacturing and engineering sector.

Still going strong in 2023, you can discover upcoming sessions along with all on-demand content below. 

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The challenges of decarbonising transport in the UK

 2022 AE Talks session | Thursday 3 March

Volkswagen Group’s Head of Group Corporate and Public Relations Oliver Larkin discussed the challenges of the move to decarbonise transport in the UK: charging infrastructure, green electricity and the role of hybrids.

In this session, Oliver covered…

  • The UK’s efforts to decarbonise transport
  • Charging infrastructure and its current and anticipated development
  • Green electricity in the automotive sector and beyond
  • The role of hybrids in the charge towards a greener future

AE Talks Test & Measurement Edition

This interactive multi-session event put a spotlight on the world of Test & Measurement. We heard from three engaging keynote presentations from, Surrey Satellite Technology, Skyrora, and STFC RAL Space as well as our sponsors APITech and Monolith AI

Leading the Charge into an Electrified Future

The Volkswagen Group are in the vanguard of the changeover to electrified, connected and autonomous cars. In this session led by Oliver Larkin, Head of Group Corporate and Public Relations at Volkswagen Group in the UK. 

AE Talks Aerospace Edition

Keynote speeches lead by Chris Gear, Project Director of FlyZero, who took us through how the UK is leading a revolution in zero-carbon air travel, and Julian Renz from ZeroAvia lead a session on heralding the era of truly green aviation. We heard from our sponsor Tim Butler, Head of Fixed Wing Flight Test at Nova Systems on the top 5 ways to save time and money in a flight test campaign.

Look but don't touch: 5 reasons to use optical surface metrology

Joe Armstrong, International Sales, will discuss some of the primary benefits of optical surface metrology to explain the when, where, why and what of the subject. He will even include a little bit of the how!

Never let a good crisis go to waste. Understand your supply chain to bounce back stronger

The goal of this session is to discuss key actions for navigating through the crisis in the short, medium and long term and also how an improved understanding of your supply chain can help you to achieve your objectives. Lead by Aristides Matopoulos.

Funding your innovation: Navigating the R&D Tax Relief Landscape with FI Group

Join FI Group, leading global consultancy in R&D tax incentives, in this informal fireside chat. Topics will include the qualifying R&D activities that are often overlooked, the importance R&D tax relief plays in ongoing mitigation and what impact latest legislation might have on your future claim process.

Manufacturing Made Smarter: Innovation in Digital Manufacturing

Through the Manufacturing Made Smarter Challenge, the government will invest £147 million – backed by further funding from industry – to support businesses implement new tech to boost their manufacturing productivity, helping them reach new customers, create thousands of new highly skilled jobs, slash carbon emissions and reduce prices for consumers. This session is held by Dr Ben Farmer, Deputy Challenge Director – Manufacturing Made Smarter at Innovate UK.

Covid-19 – Using digitalisation to adapt and survive in manufacturing

Ian Gardner discusses the convergence of technologies including 5G, Additive Manufacturing, and AI, and the subsequent effects and challenges of the current crisis in relation to these on our businesses. Digitalisation will have to accelerate, but how will the technology help in the way we work in the new normal?

How to Future-proof your Career: The Route to becoming a Chartered Engineer

Adam Parnell and Fiona Harvie discuss everything you need to know to make a start on your professional registration application or even to begin professionalising your engineering workforce.

Digital Twins for accelerated Product Development

By combining the real and virtual world we can assess products in much greater detail and gather a greater understanding.  Today we can continuously collect data to improve or understanding of its usage, optimise its requirements for maintenance and improve future product generations. Combining this with a virtual version or Digital Twin allows rapid development in an accelerating world. Dr Mark-Paul Buckingham is the Managing Director of Xi Engineering Consultants Ltd. 

Let's get digital with Advanced Engineering 2021

AE Talks: Digital Series

AE Talks: Digital Series

Take a look at upcoming sessions in our digital series. Each session puts a spotlight on a different niche topic in our community from an industry leader.
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AE Talks: Online Event

AE Talks Online Event

Find out more about our upcoming online event. Through our online platform you will be able to attend multiple engaging sessions from leading innovators, give your thoughts and opinions on the hottest topics and innovations, and network with peers.
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