Smart Badges 2023 | Advanced Engineering Birmingham

30 & 31 October 2024

NEC, Birmingham

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30 & 31 Oct 2024 | NEC Birmingham

Smart Badge Technology for visitors

Your e-business card

As a visitor, gathering information during your visit at Advanced Engineering is incredibly simple. During the registration process onsite, you will receive a Smart Badge, featuring a special integrated NFC chip. With this Smart Badge, you can effortlessly gather exhibitor information by sliding it over the exhibitor’s badge reader, which is a unique reader displayed by every exhibitor at their stand. Following your visit, you will receive an email containing a comprehensive list of all the exhibitors you’ve scanned.

How does it work?

  1. Place your smart badge against the exhibitor readers that you want to get information from.
  2. The smart reader will illuminate in green and emit a beep – that means it’s working!
  3. Later in the day, you will receive an email containing information about all the exhibitors whose you have touched with your smart badge on their readers.

What are the benefits:

Smart Technologies

We encourage attendees to make the most of smart badge technology and the Visit Connect app for sharing information at the show. This not only boosts efficiency but also fosters eco-friendly networking. Join us in this sustainable practice.

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